
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Shippy Awards 2016: Voting Round!

YAY! Thank you to everyone who nominated their favorite 2016 ships in the last round. Some races were amazingly close (like, one vote difference close) and some weren't even a little bit close (fear the power of Pynch and Feysand, y'all). But none of that matters now! Now we are onto the round of death, and here int the arena we send up to ten ships to battle it out for domination. In the end, who will be left standing? YOU DECIDE.

Let's vote!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

What I've Been Reading Lately

I've been absolutely woeful about not only chronicling my recent reads but actually READING. I'm giving myself a bit of slack, because between moving (OOF), the election (I cannot word about this), Twitter trolls (on lockdown for a wee bit, but IT'S BEEN SO FUN WOO BOY), and very high anxiety, my brain just hasn't really had room for reading. But I'm trying to get back into the swing of things as we approach the holidays. And I did manage to read a few things this fall! Here are two of them:

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Triumphant Return of...The Shippy Awards!

It's that time of year again! When we, the bookish community, vote in various places for the Best Science Fiction and Best Young Adult Romance and Best Cover and all other types of best bookish things as the year winds down and we all scramble to remember the what the actual hell we read this year.

If you've hung around my corner of the blogosphere for longer than, I don't know, the last paragraph, you know that I'm not the kind of blogger who's going to try to add any seriousosity to the Best in Show-ness that sweeps the interwebs every November through January. So here at Casa Gillian, we're not voting on Best Plot or Best Postmodern Deconstruction of Things and Stuff.

Nah, we're voting on kissing, and who does it best. (Seriously, it'll be nice to vote on something that doesn't end with the world falling apart. So here are some ships, to make us all a bit happier)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Monthly Recap: October 2016

WELL, it sure has been a while since I've done one of these! But a lot has changed in the last...i don't even know, few centuries, so I thought it would be fun to update the interwebs.