
Friday, February 14, 2014

Bookentines: Valentines Featuring Your Favorite YA Couples + Giveaway!

Happy Valentine's Day, awesome nerds! Now, maybe you have a significant other with whom to spend this holiday, but for me, the steadiest relationship in my life is the one between me and my ships (surpassed only by my relationship with my dog and my relationship with food). I also helped put together a really cool post over on Gaby's blog that you should definitely go check out.

I might have mentioned once or twice that I have a lot of YA couples that I swoooon over. What you might not know is that, besides this blog, I've also got a fanart Tumblr of my own drawings--and they're pretty much all sketches of my favorite fictional people making out or holding hands or generally being adorable. Whatever, every artist has a theme. For this Valentine's Day, I made some YA Bookentines to celebrate the love between a girl and her fictional characters. I mean, the love between fictional couples. So I can live vicariously through fictional people in possession of far more exciting love lives than I. WHATEVER, I HAVE MY DOG, OKAY?

I tried to figure out a way to make them printable, but that is far beyond the realm of my talents, so instead they'll just be going up on Tumblr like usual. So they'll be rebloggable, which... is kinda like 21st century printing. It's the eco-friendly version.

Tumblr link

The first Valentine is about Anna and Etienne from Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. So I made them kiss. Frenchly.

 Cath and Levi from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Tumblr link

Celaena and Chaol from Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

Tumblr link

Cress and Thorne from Cress by Marissa Meyer. This is kind of like a pre-meeting, Cress-has-a-crush-on-Carswell-Thorne-because-who-doesn't fantasy moment. If you've read Cress, you'll know what I mean.

Tumblr link

Eleanor and Park from Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Tumblr link

Percy and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan

Tumblr link

And lastly, Ron and Hermione from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, which I guess is me coming down decisively on one side of the Great Shipping Wars of Our Time.

So yay! Bookish couples! And you know what's even better? Giveaways! There will be two winners: one international, and one US only. The international winner gets to choose any of the books above. The US only winner gets to do the same, but they'll also win an ARC of Elusion by Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: Please don't forget to attribute all of these images to me and my Tumblr! Reposting without attribution is super lame. You don't want to be lame, do you?

Other note: One of the giveaway options is to reblog one of the Bookentines on Tumblr. I'll be uploading them onto Tumblr periodically throughout the day and then posting the url back here, so you might have to wait a little bit.


  1. I'm with you. And at least this way we can be in multiple relationships at the same time, without anyone getting jealous, right? Oh my god, Cath and Levi. I was unprepared. I'm trying not to be creeped out by the Cress/Thorne one, I promise. I will ignore my shipping feels. Cress looks adorable though *___*

    You're so talented *cries over the beauty*

    1. Shhhh, Cress and Thorne are adorable and perfect and I don't know WHAT you're talking about. <33

  2. Your drawings are amazing! Percy/Annabeth are the only ones I'm not very familiar with 'cause I never got to the book where they are a couple but for the rest...not only are the characters perfect, their poses are just soooo *them* too.

  3. Hi, can I have some of your talent? I will use it for good, I promise. Probably that would just end up in hundreds of drawings of Hector because H E C T O R. Anyway, these drawings are beautiful and I love them all and oh my god Celaena and Chaol. The Eleanor & Park one is so cute. They all are. You like my rambling, right? If not: haaaa, too bad. I'm also so with you on the whole Valentine thing. I'm spending my day with Hector because H E C T O R. There should be a day that celebrates ships, tbh.

  4. You're awesome♡


  5. Your art is amazing! Love all of these pictures!! I wish I could draw like that. The first thing I do once I've fallen in love with a new book/series is looking for fanart on tumblr. I'll keep looking out for more by you!

  6. The Cress/Thorne & Celaena/Chaol pictures are my favorites. AWESOME :D I like 'Home is a person' by the way, that is cute.

  7. Eleanor & Park is my fav <3

  8. So pretty!!!! I want them all ! :)

  9. OH MY GOD GILLIAN. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. I am crushed by feels at the moment. Hold on one second.

    *scrapes self off floor*

    CRESS AND THORNE. That is the part that killed me. Just so you know. x_x too much perfect. BUT THE PERCABETH. asdfjkl; also Chaol and Celaena. Dear. God. Woman. asdfjkl;

  10. This is awesome, I love your drawings! I love the Celaena/Chaol one the most, because Chaol and Calaena (that's reason enough). I also love the Cress/Thorne one and it's perfect timing for me since I'm spending my Valentine's Day reading Cress. Or rather, I'm spending the day with Kai, Wolf and Thorne.

  11. Wonderful those are really fabulously done! thank you for sharing them with us

  12. I am immensely jealous of your drawing ability. I *love* the Cress & Thorne one. You captured the beginning of the book so perfectly!

  13. Why are you so talented Gillian?!
    I can't stop staring at Eleanor & Park one; it looks so adorable and cute and just... <3.
    You also make me want to read Crown of Midnight now! ;D

  14. OMG, Gillain. This post. You have such a talent. Gaaah, my feels.

    That line for Chaolena fits so well. I've died and gone to book heaven.

    Yes to Ron and Hermione, they're perfect for each other and I don't care for anyone who says otherwise.

  15. Goooosh you're drawings are so.... :">
    So glad I knew all these couple!! Lovely!

  16. I've been trying to learn how to draw digitally for ages and no dice. Be my tutor? I love your drawings. As for Cress, she's just so cute. Kyaaaaa. And then Cath. AND LEVI. *giggles*

    But now to a very important question. Please be my digital drawing tutor? Pretty please? It's Valentines Day after all. Spread the love . . . Please?

  17. I love your Cress! She's perfectly adorable, :)

  18. These drawings are absolutely adorable! The Ron and Hermione one is a perfect representation of them throughout the books! :)

  19. You're amazing, talented! My favorite has to be Ron & Hermione.

  20. You are very talented! I haven't read any of the books above, but the Valentines (I mean, Bookentines! (;) you've made are very good! :) My favorites are the Eleanor and Park one and the Harry Potter one! :)

  21. Oh you've got some fantastic couples there! I have to totally agree on Ron and Hermione completely, as well as Anna and Etienne too, perfect couples! I'll have to get onto some of the other fantastic couples out there! :D

    FFF - Favourite Couples

  22. These are so ridiculously fantastic. Love love LOVE the Ron and Hermione one though. :D

  23. LOOOOOOOVE Eleanor + Park!!! :) They're so wonderfully odd as far as couples in books go, but I love them because they're realistic and perfect. The Ron + Hermione valentine is pretty great, though. ;) As is the Cath + Levi one. <3 Happy Valentine's Day!

  24. GILLIAN!! These are amazing!! I had no idea that you did drawings on Tumblr! Please excuse me while I go cyber stalk it now!! I absolutely adore the one of Cath and Levi and Chaol and Caelena!! You are seriously talented! I wish I knew how to do that!! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!! I'll be spending mine with my pup as well!! DOGS ARE BETTER THAN REAL BOYS!!!!!!!!! Am I right? ;)

    xxoo, Becca @Pivot Book Reviews

  25. Ugh, you're a fabulous artist and I can't even draw a circle without it being lopsided.

    Thanks for the fun giveaway, Gillian! I'll probably choose Anna and the French Kiss or Throne of Glass, if I win.

  26. I'm reading Cress right now. That girl is beyond precious, I just want to hug her ans squeal.

  27. These are all so fantastic. Love them!

  28. My favorite hands down is Eleanor and Park. You are amazingly talented.

  29. These are all so cute, I love them! Excited for the giveaway!

  30. These are all so cute, I love them! Excited for the giveaway!

  31. YOU DREW THESE? They're so cute!! I can't even!! AH. Definitely going to follow your Tumblr now, so I can see when you post new ones!

    - Tabitha @ Tabitha's Book Blog

  32. OMG, Gillian, these are AMAZING. I am super jealous of your skills. I want to buy all of these and frame them and hang them on my walls. ADORABLE.

    I'm always trying to think of creative ways to fangirl over my favorite ships, but this beats anything I could ever do. <3 I want you to draw all my favorite couples. :)

  33. Never thought of Anna like X-Men's Rogue, but now I do XD Lovely drawings and… ELEANOR & PARK *MY HEART* <3 </3

    Thank so much for the giveaway :3

  34. This is waaaay too cute!!! The best part about this post is that I haven't met ANY of these couples yet!! How awesome is that??? I really hope I win!!

  35. Can I just please tell you how much I love your blog? Ugh, I'M JEALOUS OF YOUR ART SKILLS!!!

  36. these are some seriously fantastic couples! my OTP Ron/Hermione is represented, but I love them all except I haven't read Throne of Glass's on my nook, though.

  37. Aw, I LOVE them! I want to see more! All the couples! All the love! :D

  38. These are THE BEST THINGS EVER!!!! I just want to look at these every day for the rest of my life. Aaaand see Bookentines for EVERY ship, because that is how much I love these! You have some MASSIVE talent, girl!

  39. Your artwork is amazing! So talented! :)

  40. I love your art work ! you are so talented. Thanks for the giveaway. I would choose Eleanor & Park

  41. Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!!

  42. Siiiiiigggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. *basks in feels*

  43. THESE ARE ADORABLE! Also, I love these couples!

  44. These are SO great. I wish I'd found them a day earlier. :D

  45. These are so cute! I saw them scattered on my Tumblr yesterday but I'm glad I found the whole post today! I just went back through to pick my favorite and I can't! They're all so great!

  46. Your drawings are wonderful! :)
    Thanks for this amazing opportunity :)

  47. These are adorable! They're all so well done and cute and I WANT THEM ALL. I'm super in love with Chaol/Celaena (and also I stand with you on Ron/Hermione!)

  48. The pictures are so cute! I wish I could draw like you. Happy [belated] Valentine's Day!

  49. I want to CRY at how gorgeous these are! I cannot stop staring at them and smiling. You're SERIOUSLY talented, Gillian, and I can't wait to go to Tumblr and reblog ALL OF THE ABOVE. Especially Celaena and Chaol. I cannot with their cuteness.

  50. I can barely draw a flower! Your pictures are absolutely adorable! You're incredibly talented. Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Percabeth all the way! :D I love them

  52. Love these! I'm in the middle of Anna & the French Kiss right now... xx

  53. These are amazing! I am totally just ignoring what JK said about Ron/Hermione. They are awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. These are adorable! I love the Cress one! That is my favorite and I can't wait to get my hands on that book!

  55. Really impressive drawings!! I love them soooo much. Especially the Fangirl one. That is my favorite!!

  56. Somehow I missed that you were an artist and now I'm like asdfghjklkjhggffdsa with complete amazement and awe. These are amazing! <3

  57. These valentines are all so adorable!! Especially loved the Romione one--JKR may have dismissed them, but they'll always be my OTP from the series :)

  58. These valentines are AMAZING! I just saw your post on YA Interrobang and you're a really amazing artist! (And I'm totally with you on Romione).

  59. These images are gorgeous, especially Caelena and Chaol. Thanks for the giveaway :)

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