
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Top Ten Books I Plan to Read on the Beach

hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

HEY GUYS! Long time no blog! I took a nice hiatus so I could catch up on real life stuff (like omg I think I might have found a place to live??? STAY TUNED) and recharge, blogging-wise, and now I'm raring to go and bursting with words and all that jazz.

And since it's summer (AHHH SUMMER I LOVE SUMMER!) and I live in Los Angeles and the beach is like right there, I'm totally planning to go as often as I can. Here are the books on my summer TBR that I'm planning to take with me and that will be best enjoyed while sipping a cool beverage on a hot beach listening to the crash of the waves.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

BEA-Yootiful: 2016

Hey bloggy peeps! It's been a bit since I last blogged, but I had a good reason: I was on vacation in New York, seeing the sights and eating the food and seeing the Hamilton and hanging with friends. Alas, this post is not me returning triumphantly to the bloggy stage and getting back to that blogging business, but to tell you I'm once again going on vacation. But this time, it's BEA.

*trumpets sound*

BOOK EXPO AMERICA, the Comic Con of books, the Big Kahuna, the greatest of all bookish events, and my favorite time of the year! It's like my Twitter feed come to life, and there's no greater experience than that.