I prefer to take part on blog tours only for books I really love, and
I'll Meet You There is a book I love. Love seems like a weak word for how I feel about this book. It's almost like I'm
mad at if for being so good and for making me cry and for being so beautiful. It's gutwrenchingly gorgeous. It's messy and perfect. It's swoony and traumatic. IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD I CAN'T STAND IT.
The main character, Skylar, is stuck in a small nowhere town in California's Central Valley, but she's on her way out with a ticket to art school in San Francisco. She keeps sane by making collages and worries about getting permanently stuck in Creek View more than anything, especially when her mother loses her job and can't get out of bed.
The other main character, Josh, is a wounded vet who's just come home from Afghanistan. He keeps it together on the outside, but inside, he's a total disaster. He's messy and traumatized and can't get back in the swing of things, into the swing of his old life, at all.
This is such a visual book, since Sky is an artist herself, that I thought it only appropriate to make
I'll Meet You There collages of my own. First up, Sky's collage and quote: