
Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Giveaways!

Yes, that's right. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY. THE MOST HOLY OF DAYS. The day I turn... 22.

The day I become old.

Well, not old, really. Yet. To quote the poet of our generation, Jessica Simpson: "23 is old. It's almost 25, which is almost mid 20s." So I have at least a year before I devolve into total decrepitude.

In all seriousness, I love my birthday, and getting old is not a bad thing at all. I will always be a young adult no matter what. I just love to celebrate in general, which is why I also love my friends' birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July, Halloween, even Arbor Day. YOU NAME IT, I CELEBRATE IT! Mostly by eating things and sending gifts. And since it's  my birthday... I want to give YOU gifts!

It makes sense. Don't question it.

I love being a book blogger more than I ever thought possible. This blog started out as a class assignment for my Women and Gender studies class. It wasn't even MEANT to be a book blog. Then I dropped the class, but never dropped the blog. And somehow books got involved and that was that.

So to thank you all for joining me and encouraging my book nerdery and inspiring me to become an even bigger book nerd than ever, and as a thank you to book blogging universe, for helping me make friends with even more book nerds, I'm launching a month-long spree of giveaways! This'll be the master-post for all of them, so keep checking back here as I update. There will be signed books, swag, author discussions, and more!

Win The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett
Win a signed copy of Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff
Win a signed copy of Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare, plus swag

Now let's celebrate!

Hell's candle. Don't put this on my cake or I'll punch you.


  1. Happy birthday sweetie :D I hope you are having the most amazing day. <3 Sigh. I turn 20 in less than a month, so I know the feeling about getting old, lol ;p

    1. Thank you! OMG 20 is a big one. All of a sudden you're not a teenager anymore. Terrifying! But also fun :)

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! *throws confetti*
    And 22 isn't old! Just wait till you turn .... 23!!!!!

    1. *dances in confetti*

      When I turn 23? You mean... when I dissolve into DUST? Because I'm practically the crypt keeper??

  3. Awww, happy birthday! Mine was Friday and believe me, you are a baby. I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay older than you are! I hope you have a wonderfully awesome day.

    1. Happy belated birthday! Thank you! And I know, I don't think I'm that old. But my mom today just gave me a big lesson on TAXES and the like, and I'm like, "Um, I am an INFANT, don't TELL ME these things."

  4. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration today, filled with cake and books and lots of love. (Also, no worries - I am older than you so you're definitely NOT old).

    1. Thank you! That sounds like the perfect day. :)

  5. Happy birthday!!! *blows horn* I hope you have a fantabulous day/week/month/year! And 22 is *not* old... just sayin'. If that's old then I'm bordering on ancient. And I refuse to do that. lol

    1. You are not ancient! Refuse away! Thank you for the celebratory horn!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! And don't dwell on what makes you "old," dwell on what makes you wise and happy: let's think, 22 years old... how many books does that equal for you? :) Here's to many more years, with many more great reads and reviews!

    1. What lovely advice and lovely wished for the future. Thank you :) 22 years, SO many books.

  7. Happy Birthday!!! I always love getting older (I think that makes me weird? Whatever). I hope you have a really fantastic day. Also, at first I thought your first gif was My Little Pony. I don't even know where I got that from. But anyways, you're awesome and I wish you the happiest birthday ever.

    1. There is something strangely thrilling/terrifying about aging. And OMG My Little Pony gifs would have been awesome! But it's Emperor's New Groove. Thanks for the bday wishes!

  8. Happy birthday!! As someone only months away from turning 23, I stick my tongue out at you describing 22 as old, but I do know the feeling. Also, may I say that I am SO GLAD you didn't drop this blog when you dropped the class, because then we wouldn't be friends and that would be sad.

    1. MONTHS AWAY FROM 23. My God, you're like the crypt keeper!! Just kidding. Seriously, we are youthful youngins. You have no IDEA how glad I am that I kept the blog!

  9. Trust me, 30 is the new're a Spring Chicken. :P
    Thanks for, er, effectively giving yourself a month's worth of work and cost to celebrate your natal, seriously, don't need giveaways, your reviews and honesty on this blog are all the gift we need. For your birthday. Hrm....

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIL! *throws the annoying confetti everywhere* I also won't comment on yours or even Shelver's age (I see she commented above) because I'm just that sweet. SO happy that you kept with the blog too. A world without Gillian on the web or Writer of Wrongs or gifs galore or...or...happiness?!?!?!! Inconceivable.

    Happy Birthday...again :)

    Sunny @ Blue Sky Bookshelf

  11. Heeeeeey, belated (very belated) birthday to you! My birthday was April 17th and I turned 22 as well. I know the feeling ;)


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