
Monday, April 15, 2013

2013 YA Cover Trends: Part Two

Note: My cover compilations are by no means exhaustive, meaning I left out a whole lot of applicable covers, and while I tried to limit it to just 2013 releases, a couple 2012s or others may have sneaked in there.

Last time on Cover Trends, we just barely scratched the surface on some of the prevalent trends popping up in the world of young adult book covers. This week, the madness continues! And yes, it is still madness, considering my hard drive crashed, dumping all my previously-made cover composites, which means I had to do them all over again! It was exhausting, and took years off my life, so y'all better APPRECIATE WHAT I GO THROUGH FOR YOU. I'm just kidding. I do it because I love it. I'm obsessive like that.

Anyway, let's get cracking.

Redder is Better

When we last discussed title and subject matter trends, I mentioned redheads as a being a ridiculously common thing in YA. Here is visual proof that these days, redheads are all the rage.

Catch You on the Flip Aide, A Balanced Approach, Mirror Images, Even Handed-- pick a catchphrase

A Font of Information
This is for the covers where the font and title do all or most of the heavy lifting. Some of these are so similar it's kind of crazy. I defy you to tell those blue ones apart. Seriously, they are cover clones.

Mini trend: Don't Jump!

Stay tuned for part three! Have you noticed any cover trends lately?


  1. Wow, you had to do this all over again? You lost YEARS OF YOUR LIFE?! Nooooooooooo...

    Oh wait, you said you did this for you. So it's your fault! Not mine. Phew. :P

    Interesting trends here. I think my favorite is the mini-trend don't jump! So dramatic!

    1. Yes, don't blame yourself. Blame my own madness!

  2. I think my favorite cover trend you pointed out is the font one--I love good fonts, especially when they're front and center. Though the blue ones ARE very similar, too much so.

    1. I loooove the font ones, but putting them all next to each other makes my eyes cross. Not only are the blue ones similar, but check out those two with the silhouettes at the top of the hill! And the yellow titles with the word "life" in them.

  3. I love a great font so the font ones are awesome. Didn't realize all the red heads ones until you pointed it out though. Such fun!

  4. Well, I am ALL for the redheads on the covers since I am one! ;)

    1. I AM SO JEALOUS. I'm thinking about dyeing my hair red, but I will never be a natural redhead, sadly.

  5. Ah! Yes, yes to all of those. And as much as I love redheads, my 6 year old self is kinda hoping to see curly haired brunettes on covers.
    Did you mention the prom dress cover trend? The tree cover trend? The long road cover trend? Probably, but it's been enough time since the last post that I've forgotten. Still, it's one thing to casually note, and another to see the compilation you so wonderfully put together. Geesh- that's a LOT of cover trending!

    1. Strangely enough, the prom dress cover is not as prominent so far in 2013 as it has been in other years. I mean, pretty dresses were the NUMBER ONE of last year. I still think I'll make a dress compilation.

      HAVEN'T NOTICED THE TREES, but now you mention it, I can't believe I missed it. Another compilation to make!

  6. What a cool (and sadly true) list. For me the big font and "Don't jump!" are the most annoying. I have noticed more and more characters on the brink of falling off a cliff or something else crazy like that!

    It is really awesome you noticed all that!

    Emily @ Counting in Bookcases

    New Bloglovin follower :)

  7. I love trends! It's always interesting to see what's "in" and what type of covers are being produced. I read an article sometime last summer that the reason why "red" is used among publishers is because it's more eye catching than other colors.

  8. Trend I noticed? Highways narrowing off to the horizon. Heart-shaped box and some Neil Gaiman to start.


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