Hey, guys. I mentioned a couple days ago that I'd received some really bad news and would be taking some time off from...well, basically everything, and I sort of just want to let you all know what's going on. On Tuesday, very early in the morning, I lost my dad. He was probably the person I was closest to in the world, and it was completely out of nowhere, so obviously I'm not in the best place right now. However, my brother, friends and family have been
amazing about helping me and each other. I honestly couldn't imagine going through this kind of shit without that support system, which I didn't even realize I had before now, at least not to this extent. I have friends taking care of my dog while I stay at my mom's house, and yesterday--which happened to be my and my twin brother's 24th birthday--three of my cousins, my mom, and my very close friends put together a little dinner for us and made it as nice a birthday as possible.
I'm updating you guys because I want you to know why, despite recently returning to active blogging with Dark Lord Funk fanfare, I'll be taking some time off again. And also because I wouldn't have been able to handle these last few years without the support of my wonderful internet friends, who aren't even really "internet friends"--you guys are just friends. So I'm sending love and hugs to you all, and thanking you so much for the nice things you've already said to me on Twitter and Instagram. When I say those things mean the world to me, I really, really mean it. The niceness and warmth and love I've received in the last two days has helped enormously.
I love all of you guys so much <3333333333333